Romanian Banking System Evolution and Basel II Requirements
Before 1989, Romanian Banking System was structured in the specific way of a
centralized economy. Restructuring of the banking system took its first step at the
end of 1990 when the newly- established bank, Banca Comercială Română, took
over retail operations performed previously by the NBR. Simultaneously, some
privately-owned banking companies were established and foreign banks’
branches were integrated into the domestic banking activity, the number of
banks almost trebling. The unfriendly economic environment, the poor quality of
bank managers and shareholders and cumbersome legal procedures led to an
increase in tensions, the poor quality of credit portfolio representing the major
difficulty of the banking sector. In the past years, NBR tried to control more the
banking activity by implementing international settlements. More over, since
Romania is one of the European Union countries, it is absolutely necessary the
harmonization of entire economic and financial system to EU regulations. The
paper try to present the position of Romanian banking system in the framework
of all these transformations.
- 2006_fascicula1 [32]