Some results on the modelling of TSS manufactiring lines
This paper deals with the modelling of a particular class of manufacturing
lines, governed by a decentralised control strategy so that they balance themselves. Such
lines are known as “bucket brigades” and also as “TSS lines”, after their first
implementation, at Toyota, in the 70’s. A first study of their behaviour was based upon
modelling as stochastic dynamic systems, which emphasised, in the frame of the socalled
“Normative Model”, a sufficient condition for self-balancing, that means for
autonomous functioning at a steady production rate (stationary behaviour). Under some
particular conditions, a simulation analysis of TSS lines could be made on non-linear
block diagrams, showing that the state trajectories are piecewise continuous in between
occurrences of certain discrete events, which determine their discontinuity. TSS lines
may therefore be modelled as hybrid dynamic systems, more specific, with autonomous
switching and autonomous impulses (jumps). A stability analysis of such manufacturing
lines is allowed by modelling them as hybrid dynamic systems with discontinuous