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dc.contributor.authorIoniță, Ion
dc.contributor.authorPopescu, Florin
dc.contributor.authorDone, Ioan
dc.contributor.authorAndrei, Jean
dc.contributor.authorMateiI, Mirela
dc.contributor.authorSubic, Jonel
dc.descriptionArticolul face parte din Analele Universitatii "Dunarea de Jos" din Galati, Fascicola de Economie si Informatica Aplicata, An XV, nr.1, vol.2/2009en_US
dc.description.abstractThe impact of quality management on microeconomic systems is major. The integration into the European Economic Area requires a comprehensive process of compliance to European policies and practices, including implementation of quality management system. The dominance of the small and medium enterprises sector in the economy requires a specific action framework, the quality having a fundamental role. Only those operators who have implemented and certified a quality management system can valorize on their goods and services in the European market. Acting on the potentials` sphere, quality becomes a crucial resource for economic success. In this context, the authors aim to analyze the impact of implementation and certification of quality management on the progress of Romania small and medium enterprises in the context of diversification and globalization of the emphasis of European and world markets.en_US
dc.publisher"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galatien_US
dc.subjectcalitate managerialăen_US
dc.titleQuality - a Factor for Competitiveness Improvement for Small and Medium Enterprisesen_US

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