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dc.contributor.authorIsai, Violeta
dc.contributor.authorRadu, Riana Iren
dc.descriptionAnnals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati Fascicle I. Economics and Applied Informatics Years XXII – no2/2016en_US
dc.description.abstractThe cost of medical services is a concept which cannot be overlooked from the managerial strategy of hospitals, given the fact that it reflects the expenses incurred in order to make the medical act possible. It adds up the direct and indirect costs which are recorded under hospital departments, regarded as cost centres. The result of the calculation is materialized in Expenses Settlement drawn for every discharged patient. The cost thus determined underlies the calculation of efficiency, both at hospital level and at each department and helps at conducting comparative analyses between different health care institutions. In fact, hospital financing is based on average costs established per case, according to the diagnosis groups. The financing system allows monitoring the quality of services and increasing efficiency through cost control. The present study analyses the calculation of the cost of medical services and of the efficiency for average level hospitals from Romania.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitatea "Dunărea de Jos” din Galațien_US
dc.subjectcost centresen_US
dc.subjectdirect costsen_US
dc.subjectindirect costsen_US
dc.subjectexpenses settlement per patienten_US
dc.subjectcharge per day of hospitalizationen_US
dc.subjectdiagnosis groupsen_US
dc.subjectfinancing based on caseen_US
dc.titleThe Cost of Medical Services per Patient and the Efficiency of Hospital Care Activity – an Insight from the Romanian Hospitalsen_US

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