2003- 2017 (economie; informatică aplicată): Recent submissions
Afișează articolele 41-60 of 377
EU Strategy for Building a Knowledge-based Economy. Ambitious Targets vs. Effective Achievements
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)In 2000 the European Union has developed the Lisbon strategy. This strategy designed the key elements for building a knowledge-based economy, using a deep analysis of the situation and developments in the EU compared to ... -
Models to Assess the Bankruptcy Risk
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)Closely related to financial risk assessment, one of the main concerns of the organizations should be the evaluation of bankruptcy risk, in this period of slow economic growth. Organization bankruptcies have increased ... -
Analysis of Overnight ROBOR Interbank Interest Rate Recorded in October 2008 Using a Correlational Mathematical Model
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)Information about possible manipulation of the overnight Robor interbank interest rates appeared in the press in late June 2012 when the British bank Barclays was fined for manipulating Libor. Suspicion of manipulation ... -
The Financing of Water Supply and Sewerage Services in Romania
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)Water supply and sewerage services represent utilities that must be provided to all users, both the urban and the rural. The responsibility to ensure these services in terms of nondiscrimination and affordability belongs ... -
Analysis of Performance Measures in the Banking System
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)The complex and delicate character of the problem of banking performance, in the context of harsh competition and the emergence of multiple risks, impose on the banks the permanent evaluation of the behavior and the ... -
European integration, financial resources and the absorption of European funds in Central and Eastern European Countries
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)The regional integration has the purpose to enhance the income in the region, which may be achieved through getting higher economic results by using the production factors more efficiently, increasing their mobility and ... -
Opportunities to Improve the Competitiveness of Romanian Organizations
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)Competitive organizations are permanently prepared to identify the cutting-edge technologies which will change the future in business by using the concept of Business Intelligence. Moore's paradigm was a visionary model ... -
The Economic Crisis – Meanings and Significations Causes and Solutions
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)The crisis can be defined as a period in the dynamics of a system, and it is described as a multitude of difficulties, as a conflict or tensions, fact that makes difficult its normal work or functioning and this can lead ... -
Analysis of Satisfaction Degree of the Public Insurance System Beneficiaries
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)The public insurance system provides financial benefits to individuals that are obtained by collecting the due contributions. The analysis of satisfaction degree of the beneficiaries of the system was carried out to ... -
Economic Issues in the Wind Energy Development at World and European Level
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)Energy has become increasingly more a commodity we can not replace, a good without which modern life can not exist. Over time, sources of energy have experienced several stages of development. The quantitative involution ... -
Strategic Investment and Trade in an Oligopolistic Setting
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)This paper analyses the international trade dynamics between two countries as a twoplayer, non-zero sum, cooperative game. The reason behind this type of approach is that we consider game theory as an important instrument ... -
Information Risk and Insurance Theory in Financial Audit
(Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)Financial audit role can be justified in terms of three theories, namely motivational theory, agency theory and the theory of insurance. Theory envisages ensuring that the financial audit information reduces risk, reduces ... -
Advisory Functions of Selected Polish Business Institutions in the Innovation Process in Enterprises – Research Conclusions
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)This paper contains an analysis of innovation processes in enterprises, from the perspective of demand for knowledge, which companies increasingly obtain from business environment. This requires a discernment of valuable ... -
The Mutual Investments in Romania - Current Developments and Trends
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)Mutual fund industry in Romania has undergone significant growth in recent years in the number of investors and the net assets managed, but still very small compared to other European countries. Capital market development ... -
Accounting and Financial Reports in the Gambling Monopoly - Measures for a Moral Economic System
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)The state monopolies set over the gambling market are a propensity of society nature, actually of her moral fundaments, so the aim of this paper is to analyses gambling monopoly as a solution of moral economy. The term ... -
The Liberalization of Notary Fees in Romania. Objectives and Restrictions
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)Minimum notary fees are the questionable regulatory feature of Romanian notary system. Classic latin notary system to which it belongs Romanian notary system is the most regulated and most restrictive of the four existing ... -
Information Risk and Insurance Theory in Financial Audit
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)Financial audit role can be justified in terms of three theories, namely motivational theory, agency theory and the theory of insurance. Theory envisages ensuring that the financial audit information reduces risk, reduces ... -
Labour Migration from Romania to the EU Point of Weakness in the Romanian Economy
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)The effects of the integration process on the labour market may spring, on the one hand, from the adjustments of the production factors market, produced by the free circulation of goods and, on the other hand from the ... -
The Architecture of the Territorial Indexes through the Standardisation Method
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)This research reflects the importance in statistics of the territorial indexes numbers which express the dynamic of the statistical variables in territorial profile. The purpose of this paper consists in to reflect over ... -
Accounting and Fiscality in the Ottoman Empire
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)The Ottoman Empire was an imperial superpower that manifested its domination in the Mediterranean zone between 1299 and 1922. At the moment of their maximum glory, the ottomans ruled over three continents, meaning 19,9 ...