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dc.contributor.authorPotecasu, Florentina
dc.contributor.authorRadu, Tamara
dc.descriptionThe Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati Fascicle IX Metallurgy and Materials Science No. 1 - 2015, ISSN 1453 – 083Xro_RO
dc.description.abstractThe method of autocatalytic reduction coating assures a precise reproduction of the coated surface. This is an advantage when the support surface has a complex geometry but also becomes a disadvantage because it requires a support without surface defects and without high roughness. Also the electroless method requires a special preparation of the support surface which should enhance its reactivity. This paper reveals the influence of different surface characteristics of the support on the quality of the coating. Metallographic analysis has been done on the surface and transversal section of Ni-P coatings of different steel surfaces.ro_RO
dc.publisherUniversitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţiro_RO
dc.subjectelectroless methodro_RO
dc.subjectNi-P coatingsro_RO
dc.subjectthe morphology of the supportro_RO
dc.subjectsupport steelro_RO
dc.titleThe Influence of the Steel's Surface Quality on the Electroless Ni-P Coatingsro_RO

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