Reducing the Zinc Emissions by Upgrading of Steel Scraps Quality

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Ciocan, Anișoara
Balint, Lucica
The steel production is one of the major sources of heavy metals emissions to
the environment. There are several possibilities for prevention and minimization of
these pollutants. Emission reduction measures focus on add-on technologies and
process modifications (including operating control). The prevention of the raw
materials use that may have an unacceptable environmental impact in steel
manufacture is important in achieving good environmental performance. A
preventive measure specified by steel making BAT is the lowering the zinc-content
of scraps. A way to make this possible is to treat these scraps before their charging
in the furnace (BOF or EAF). In this paper a method for removing zinc surface
layers of galvanized steel scraps is studied. The principle of separation is based on
the difference in vapor pressures and stabilities with the formation of zinc and iron
chlorides. A series of thermal experiments was carried out in an atmosphere of
gaseous HCl. As result of the treatment applied on galvanized steel samples, zinc
surface layers were removed and steel scraps remain unattacked.
- 2012 fascicula9 nr1 [14]